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Zur sozialen Rolle des außerschulischen Musiklehrers im 18. Jahrhundert
SourceBehne, Klaus-E. [Hrsg.]: Einzeluntersuchungen. Laaber : Laaber-Verlag 1980, S. 15-29. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 1)
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License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Contributors (corporate)Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische Forschung
Document typeArticle (from a serial)
ISBN3-9215-1855-5; 3921518555
Year of creation
review statusPublishing House Lectorship
Abstract (English):The situation of the 19th century private music teacher was characterized by the conflicting demands of high artistic standards and simple teaching of technical skills. This unstable position dates back to even earlier times. Sources from the beginning of the 18th century show already the typical structures of the role of the music teacher which are still prevalent today. Demands for professionalism and for supervision by the authorities are not inventions of our times. From the sources of social history we know that already at the beginning of the period of englightenment, private music teaching was in a paradox position: On the one hand, the new private forms of teaching music had freed the teacher from the restrictions of craftmanship enforced by the guilds, an the other hand, once that problems of music teaching had been laid down in writing, the activities of practical music-teaching "ex uso" were superseded by a public and rational discussion of educational theories. Music-teaching had become a sphere of contesting influences, set between the demands of cultural standards and popular interest. (DIPF/Orig.)
is part of:Einzeluntersuchungen
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Date of publication08.07.2022
CitationRoske, Michael: Zur sozialen Rolle des außerschulischen Musiklehrers im 18. Jahrhundert - In: Behne, Klaus-E. [Hrsg.]: Einzeluntersuchungen. Laaber : Laaber-Verlag 1980, S. 15-29. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 1) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-247306 - DOI: 10.25656/01:24730
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