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Original Title
Zwischen "Fassade" und "wirklicher Absicht". Eine Betrachtung über die dritte Erziehungsreform in Japan
Parallel titleBetween "facade" and "real intent" - observations on Japan's third educational reform
SourceZeitschrift für Pädagogik 43 (1997) 3, S. 449-466 ZDB
Document  (1.570 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN0044-3247; 00443247
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (German):Das japanische Bildungssystem besteht aus der „Fassade" eines ministerial verordneten Harmonieprinzips und der „wirklichen Absicht" des der selektiven Gesellschaft dienenden Konkurrenzprinzips. Je heftiger die Konkurrenz um gute Ausbildungsplätze wird, desto stärker rückt die „wirkliche Absicht" in den Vordergrund. Zwar haben die japanischen Bildungsbehörden in einer Erziehungsreform Maßnahmen getroffen, die „Kreativität und Diversifikation" fördern sollen, diese Reformen sind jedoch in Ansätzen steckengeblieben und wirken so eher gegenteilig. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (English):The Japanese educational system consists of the "facade" of the ministerially decreed principle of harmony and the "real intent" of the principle of competition, which serves the selective society. The compensatory effect of the two components, however, is increasingly endangered today. The fiercer the race of education gets, the more the "real intention" is brought to the fore. Japan has taken certain measures, such as the banning of the exams produced by the educational industry from the sphere of state schools and the introduction of the "new conception of the ability to learn" in order to promote "creativity and diversification" which are mentioned as the major objectives of the most recent educational reform. However, as a consequence the development of creativity and diversification has been impeded the more so because these fragmentary attempts at a reform lack the insight into those factors which actually block the development of creativity and diversification. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication17.03.2015
CitationIto, Toshiko: Zwischen "Fassade" und "wirklicher Absicht". Eine Betrachtung über die dritte Erziehungsreform in Japan - In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 43 (1997) 3, S. 449-466 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-69907 - DOI: 10.25656/01:6990
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