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Ariadne Pfad:



Changes in school alienation profiles among secondary school students and the role of teaching style. Results from a longitudinal study in Luxembourg and Switzerland
OriginalveröffentlichungInternational journal of educational research 105 (2021), 14 S. ZDB
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartAufsatz (Zeitschrift)
ISSN0883-0355; 08830355
Abstract (Englisch):What students think about school has a major impact on learning and academic achievement. The multi-domain concept of school alienation distinguishes between alienation from learning, from teachers and from classmates. We aim to study a) alienation patterns among secondary school students, b) how school alienation profiles change from year 7 to year 9 and how secondary school students transition between profiles, and c) the role of teaching style for transitions between school alienation profiles. We draw on panel data of secondary school students from Luxembourg and Switzerland. Results of latent profile/latent transition analyses reveal distinct school alienation profiles, country differences and support for the idea that student-oriented, supportive teaching styles might prevent students from transitioning towards more-highly alienated profiles. (DIPF/Orig.)
Eintrag erfolgte am08.03.2022
QuellenangabeHadjar, Andreas; Grecu, Alyssa; Scharf, Jan; de Moll, Frederick; Morinaj, Julia; Hascher, Tina: Changes in school alienation profiles among secondary school students and the role of teaching style. Results from a longitudinal study in Luxembourg and Switzerland - In: International journal of educational research 105 (2021), 14 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-238927 - DOI: 10.25656/01:23892; 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101697
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