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Internationalisation and Mobility in European Vocational Education and Training. International Report
OriginalveröffentlichungMainz 2011, 42 S.
ist Version von:Internationalisation and Mobility in European Vocational Education and Training. International Report
Dokument  (1.069 KB) (formal und inhaltlich überarbeitete Version)
Lizenz des Dokumentes Deutsches Urheberrecht
Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartMonographie, Sammelwerk oder Erstveröffentlichung
BegutachtungsstatusReview-Status unbekannt
Abstract (Englisch):The international report is an outcome of the European Leonardo da Vinci project Internationalisation and Mobility in the students Curricula (INtheMC) carried out with eight partners from seven European countries. It analyses the situation of internationalisation and transnational mobility in vocational education and training (VET) in Europe. After outlining the initial situation the situation of VET in the partner countries the report shows the current situation and trends of internationalisation and mobility within VET. Then European instruments (Europass Mobility, EQF, ECVET), which promotes internationalisation and mobility in VET are presented also concerning the actual state of implementation in the partner countries. Following this, several available researches on target groups are displayed. Examples from best practice and obstacles are shown. Then the question is asked and in part answered: how to improve internationalisation and educational mobility in order to obtain desired outcomes in VET? The report ends with conclusions and proposals for promoting internationalisation and mobility in VET. (Orig.)
Eintrag erfolgte am30.10.2012
QuellenangabeEgetenmeyer, Regina; Rueffin, Sandra; Blachnio, Aleksandra: Internationalisation and Mobility in European Vocational Education and Training. International Report. Mainz 2011, 42 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-67553 - DOI: 10.25656/01:6755
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