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Ariadne Pfad:



Editorial: What’s new in a new competence regime?
OriginalveröffentlichungEuropean journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 4 (2013) 2, S. 103-109 ZDB
Dokument  (191 KB)
Lizenz des Dokumentes Deutsches Urheberrecht
Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartAufsatz (Zeitschrift)
ISSN2000-7426; 20007426
Abstract (Englisch):This editorial will pursue this notion of competence as a governing regime in discussion of what’s new by highlighting some distinctive material circumstances which have supported its dominance. We trace the wider emergence of lifelong learning in the European policies of the 1990s from discourses from outside education. We argue that this reflected and fueled scepticism over whether education could fulfill societal needs. Education, before and after the Second World War had been seen as a force for social change. But after Reagan and Thatcher in the 1990s, and now coming from groups who gained influence in the development of neo-liberal policy agendas, this skepticism supported a turn to the market. Education was understood to need to become more flexible and functional in support of the labour market. Knowledge and skills became the ‘objects’ of value and disappointed expectations of the potential of education to transform societies paved the way for a new discursive constellation. The velocity of wider social and economic change, an older relative shift towards post-Fordist work production mechanisms and the new European Union agenda of monitoring and comparing skills and competencies combined to support a new governing regime. (DIPF/Orig.)
weitere Beiträge dieser Zeitschrift
Eintrag erfolgte am25.10.2013
QuellenangabeNicoll, Katherine; Salling Olesen, Henning: Editorial: What’s new in a new competence regime? - In: European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 4 (2013) 2, S. 103-109 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-82917 - DOI: 10.25656/01:8291; 10.3384/rela.2000-7426.relae7
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