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Ariadne Pfad:


Open Access definitions and publishing platforms

[This information is limited to German copyright legislation. Therefore, it only pertains to contracts signed in Germany Pursuant to the territorial principle publications from other countries are subject to the specific legislation that is applicable in the countries of origin.]

Open Access definitions

What does Open Access mean?

Open Access provides free-of charge access to scientific information on the internet and allows for accessing qualified publications that are stored on a reliable, long-term basis. Open Access in terms of the "Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities" requires an irrevocable commitment to copyright, including an accurate declaration of authorship. Open Access publications should be published in "at least one repository, using suitable technical standards [...],standards such as Open Archive rules, the archive being [...] maintained by a well established organisation that seeks to enable open access, unrestricted distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving". Open Access for scientific purposes can only be successful if, not least, processes for the evaluation of Open Access publications are developed, in order to maintain standards of good scientific quality and practice. You can find more about Open Access on the website of the project of the same name.

Why Open Access?

Publishing by the rules of Open Access assures the authors the right to their intellectual property, it short-circuits publication procedures, enables quick and flexible access, offers increased visibility and thus an increased frequency of citations, allows for an integration in digital documents and objects and supports the sustainable archiving of electronic publications.

Publishing platforms for Open Access publications

Open Access publishing on document servers

Repositories can store all full text publications in their own right (contributions to a collective work with a specific author, journal articles and monographs) in Open Access format.
While institutional repositories and university publishing houses generally only allow members of their own higher education institute to publish on their repository, publication on relevant scholarly document servers is independent from institutions.

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