
Advanced Search

Ariadne Pfad:


Search & find Open Access publications on peDOCS

Quick search

To start a quick and simple search, go to and enter search terms into the search slot which describe the contents of the publication you are searching for quite well. Search terms are suggested while you are typing and you can insert them into the slot via mouse-click. The search terms can be entered as a string without any punctuation. Once you have finished entering, you can click onto the magnifying lens symbol to trigger the search. The metadata and full texts of all publications offered by peDOCS are then searched. If the number of matches is very high, you can use the advanced search option to limit respectively refine your search.

Advanced search

You can use the advanced search functionality if you wish to refine your search. The advanced search form allows you to formulate a more specific search query. For example, you can search for words contained in the title, personal names or journal titles. If you enter several terms into a slot, you can decide whether the terms are to be linked by “AND” (tick “all words”). Alternatively, you can remove the default setting “all words” by unchecking and start an “OR” search.).

Entries in the separate search slots can also be linked by “AND”, “OR” and “AND NOT”. You will find further options for defining your search in the menu “review state”, “document type”, or “language filter”. Complex queries can thus be run.

By clicking on “search”, you can trigger the query in peDOCS. If you then wish to further delimit the results of your query, you can once more open the search form, which is shown above your list of matches. You can thus alter your entries and trigger another search. You can reuse the list of publications in many ways, see “reusage of search results”.

Browsing the peDOCS database

You can use the browsing functionality to search peDOCs, e.g. publications on peDOCs written by a specific author, issues of a journal available on peDOCs – or publications from empirical educational research or interesting series that are available free of charge.

There are two ways of finding out what is stored on pedocs: you can either click onto one of the entry points offered below the heading “publications by” on the pedocs webpage. Alternatively, you can choose “browse” in the select menu in the top area.

Browsing by authors

If you are interested in publications written by a specific author or want to check which authors are available on pedocs, you can click onto the tile in the selection menu “browse by author”. Alternatively, you can find an alphabetical list of authors via the menu in the upper navigation bar called “browse.  By name”. This list contains all authors who are represented on pedocs with at least two documents.

Browse by sub-discipline

Another tile on the pedocs webpage respectively the “browse” menu bar offers an opportunity to view titles from a specific educational science discipline. Each document on pedocs has been allocated to at least one discipline. In most cases, the lists of records you are shown are highly complex. You can delimit the list by using the advanced search functionality.

Browsing by title of series

You can also search the series of titles via the “browse” menu. Similar to the authors, the titles of series are only shown if at least two copies are stored on pedocs.

Browsing by journals

Are you interested in a specific journal or would like to know which journal (contributions) are stored on pedocs? You can use the functionality “browse by journal” or the entry point “by journal” – see "publications sorted by". The list will also only contain titles of journals for which pedocs has stored at least two contributions. If there is a journal title you are interested in, you can click further to see a display of years available on pedocs. The number of contributions for each year is displayed next to the year. If the entire issue has been made accessible, a full text document is offered on pedocs.

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