Title |
Maurer, Markus: Skill Formation Regimes in South Asia, A Comparative Study on the Path-Dependent Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Garment Industry (Komparatistische Bibliothek; Bd. 21). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2011 [Rezension] |
Author | Dittrich, Joachim |
Source | Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR) 11 (2012) 2 |
Document | full text (167 KB) |
License of the document | In copyright |
Keywords (German) | Rezension; Pfadanalyse; Vergleichende Analyse; Wissensgesellschaft; Globalisierung; Wettbewerbsfähigkeit; Berufsbildung; Ausbildungssystem; Empirische Untersuchung; Sri Lanka |
sub-discipline | Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research Vocational Education and Training |
Document type | Article (journal) |
ISSN | 1613-0677; 16130677 |
Language | German |
Year of creation | 2012 |
review status | Peer-Reviewed |
Abstract (English): | Rezension von: Maurer, Markus: Skill Formation Regimes in South Asia, A Comparative Study on the Path-Dependent Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Garment Industry (Komparatistische Bibliothek; Bd. 21), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2011 (449 S.; ISBN Skill Formation Regi) |
other articles of this journal | Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR) Jahr: 2012 |
Statistics | Number of document requests |
Checksums | checksum comparison as proof of integrity |
Date of publication | 14.06.2016 |
Citation | Dittrich, Joachim: Maurer, Markus: Skill Formation Regimes in South Asia, A Comparative Study on the Path-Dependent Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Garment Industry (Komparatistische Bibliothek; Bd. 21). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2011 [Rezension] - In: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR) 11 (2012) 2 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-121131 - DOI: 10.25656/01:12113 |