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Original Title
Education in the area of human protection in emergency and crisis situations in the context of health education in the Czech Republic
Parallel titleIzobraževanje na področju zaščite ljudi v izrednih in kriznih razmerah v okviru zdravstvene vzgoje na Češkem
SourceCEPS Journal 11 (2021) 4, S. 109-134
Document  (395 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN2232-2647; 22322647
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):The present time brings a number of emergency and crisis situations, including floods, fires or Covid-19, the management of which requires the active involvement of citizens. Lower secondary education in the Czech Republic includes the subject of Health Education, in which this topic is addressed. Education of students in the area of lifestyle and health is included in Health Education and Home Economics, the latter being delivered in Slovenia. In terms of content, both courses are similar and can enrich each other by sharing valuable experience both in teaching students and in preparing future elementary school teachers. The objective of this paper is to present the concept of elementary education in human protection in emergency and crisis situations in the Czech Republic and the related concept of undergraduate teacher training. The research methods used were document review (of curricular documents and study plans) and questionnaire survey. The paper presents the results of an analysis of the curricular document governing elementary education in the Czech Republic (Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education), as well as the results of an analysis of a health education textbook focusing on the area of safety issues. The paper also presents the results of an analysis of the study plans of selected faculties of education in terms of human protection in emergency and crisis situations, as well as the results of a questionnaire survey focusing on the awareness of future teachers in the area of human protection in emergency situations. The results and main findings of the analysis of the curricular document suggest that the topics of the human protection in emergency situations should be strengthened in the context of Health Education (and throughout elementary education). The studies on teachers’ and future teachers’ awareness of human protection in emergency situations (including first aid) point to some shortcomings in undergraduate teacher training (for example, the optional course in first aid and human protection in emergency situations at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University). Conclusions and recommendations for practice: the current revision of the Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education should allow the strengthening of emergency issues in Health Education. Based on the inquiry, the following is recommended: due attention should be paid to all emergency issues in the course of education; further teacher training in all emergency issues should be promoted; emergency issues in undergraduate teacher training should be integrated in the form of compulsory common base courses. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication14.01.2022
CitationReissmannova, Jitka Slaná: Education in the area of human protection in emergency and crisis situations in the context of health education in the Czech Republic - In: CEPS Journal 11 (2021) 4, S. 109-134 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-238098 - DOI: 10.25656/01:23809; 10.26529/cepsj.1176
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