Titel |
The InfoLit Project (2015-18): a collaboration among eight university libraries in Hong Kong |
Autoren | Wong, Shirley Chiu-Wing; Yuen, Johnny |
Originalveröffentlichung | Botte, Alexander [Hrsg.]; Libbrecht, Paul [Hrsg.]; Rittberger, Marc [Hrsg.]: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019. Frankfurt am Main : DIPF 2021, S. 90-99 |
Dokument | Volltext (2.878 KB) |
Lizenz des Dokumentes | |
Schlagwörter (Deutsch) | Informationskompetenz; Online-Kurs; Hochschulkooperation; Projekt; Kompetenz; Lernen; Lehrmethode; Hochschulbildung; Hochschulbibliothek; Hongkong; China |
Teildisziplin | Medienpädagogik Hochschulforschung und Hochschuldidaktik |
Sonstige beteiligte Institutionen | DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation ; ILO Information Literacy Online ; Conference on Learning Information Literacy across the Globe LILG (2019 : Frankfurt am Main) |
Dokumentart | Aufsatz (Sammelwerk) |
Sprache | Englisch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2021 |
Begutachtungsstatus | Peer-Review |
Abstract (Englisch): | The InfoLit Project (2015-2018) is an eight-university collaboration project funded by the University Grant Committee Hong Kong to promote awareness and facilitate teaching and learning of information literacy (IL) for analytical, creative, and wise use of information. Vital blocks of this project complement each other and form an “identify, design, collaborate & embed” project scope that addresses not only the production but also the integration of learning objects created by this project to address and fit into a wide range of teaching and learning goals and contexts. These blocks are, first, investigate and build a Knowledge base of students’ IL educational needs through qualitative and quantitative research; second, design and assemble InfoLit for U MOOC and related courseware packages derived from it which are embeddable into university teaching and learning activities; and third, enhancing librarian-faculty collaboration on designing and embedding relevant IL course components into courses. (DIPF/Orig.) |
Beitrag in: | Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019 |
Statistik | Anzahl der Zugriffe auf dieses Dokument |
Prüfsummen | Prüfsummenvergleich als Unversehrtheitsnachweis |
Eintrag erfolgte am | 02.02.2021 |
Quellenangabe | Wong, Shirley Chiu-Wing; Yuen, Johnny: The InfoLit Project (2015-18): a collaboration among eight university libraries in Hong Kong - In: Botte, Alexander [Hrsg.]; Libbrecht, Paul [Hrsg.]; Rittberger, Marc [Hrsg.]: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019. Frankfurt am Main : DIPF 2021, S. 90-99 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-178871 - DOI: 10.25656/01:17887 |