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Information literacy and its interplay with AI
OriginalveröffentlichungBotte, Alexander [Hrsg.]; Libbrecht, Paul [Hrsg.]; Rittberger, Marc [Hrsg.]: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019. Frankfurt am Main : DIPF 2021, S. 129-131
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
Sonstige beteiligte InstitutionenDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation ; ILO Information Literacy Online ; Conference on Learning Information Literacy across the Globe LILG (2019 : Frankfurt am Main)
DokumentartAufsatz (Sammelwerk)
Abstract (Englisch):Information literacy (IL) – and similarly digital literacy – want to convey skills to handle information and data, its use and the creation of new information and services. It emphasizes to teach competencies that enable learners to adapt to new environments and thus foster life-long learning. Artificial intelligence systems (AI) enter all kinds of areas, specifically the educational sector on all levels. For example, learning analytics and learning supportive services are established. Learners might see the opportunities of those services that promise to foster individual learning and skill development. At the same time, they need to develop novel kinds of literacy to understand and to apply AI. Thus, IL teaching and literacy frameworks need to consider an adaptation to recent changes that come with AI. Our contribution wants to start a discussion within the IL expert field on how IL teaching needs to prepare learners for the new era of AI. We will discuss if IL teaching frameworks need to be adapted to foster AI literacy and moreover, how IL teaching concept can benefit from developments in AI. Based on ascoping review in AI in education, we will introduce current ideas of AI technology and applications and discuss them in relation to IL teaching schemes. Following up the dialog of our IL working group, we want to contribute to current discussions on AI in education and the potential influence it might have on IL teaching, and reversely. (DIPF/Orig.)
Beitrag in:Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019
Eintrag erfolgte am02.02.2021
QuellenangabeHeck, Tamara; Weisel, Luzian; Kullmann, Sylvia: Information literacy and its interplay with AI - In: Botte, Alexander [Hrsg.]; Libbrecht, Paul [Hrsg.]; Rittberger, Marc [Hrsg.]: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019. Frankfurt am Main : DIPF 2021, S. 129-131 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-178913 - DOI: 10.25656/01:17891
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