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Original Title
Erfahrungsraum Musikpädagogik - Einsichten eines Musikwissenschaftlers
Parallel titleMusic education as an area of experience – insights from a musicologist
SourceClausen, Bernd [Hrsg.]; Dreßler, Susanne [Hrsg.]: Soziale Aspekte des Musiklernens. Münster; New York : Waxmann 2018, S. 305-322. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 39)
Document (587 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Contributors (corporate)Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische Forschung. Jahrestagung (39. : 2017 : Bad Wildbad)
Document typeArticle (from a serial)
ISBN978-3-8309-3872-9; 978-3-8309-8872-4; 9783830938729; 9783830988724
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):Since 2015 new challenges have arisen for music education in Germany: For example, musicologists were asked to explore Arabic music for German classrooms. New research had to be done, not only by preparing Arabic songs for school kids but also by undertaking field studies in camps of refugees and asylum-seekers in Germany. In addition, as a new scientific strategy, online action research was used: Internet-contents were controlled by experts followed by a test of evidence by music teachers and practitioners. This strategy was called “experience-based research.” This kind of research seems to be closer to reality than traditional empirical research because it changes the field of music education research from a laboratory into an area of experience. (DIPF/Orig.)
is part of:Soziale Aspekte des Musiklernens
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Date of publication09.10.2020
CitationStroh, Wolfgang Martin: Erfahrungsraum Musikpädagogik - Einsichten eines Musikwissenschaftlers - In: Clausen, Bernd [Hrsg.]; Dreßler, Susanne [Hrsg.]: Soziale Aspekte des Musiklernens. Münster; New York : Waxmann 2018, S. 305-322. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 39) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-207399 - DOI: 10.25656/01:20739
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