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Ariadne Pfad:



An Afghan dilemma. Education, gender and globalisation in an islamic context
SourceStockholm : Institute of International Education, Department of Education, University 2007, xx, 381 S. - (Studies in international and comparative education; 72) - (Dissertation, Universität Stockholm, 2007)
Document  (3.115 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeMonograph, Collected Work or primary publication
ISBN978-91-7155-513-7; 9789171555137
ISSN0348-95-23; 03489523
Year of creation
review statusDoctoral thesis (PhD thesis or habilitation)
Abstract (English):Afghanistan has a long history of Islamic education while Western type of education (maktab) is of more recent date. The latter type of education has expanded rapidly recently. However, girls’ enrolment remains low, around 35 per cent. The present study examines children’s, particularly girls’, participation in the two educational systems. A case study approach has been adopted providing an analysis of how history and the present globalisation processes affect current education, and how students, parents and teachers in two villages perceive the changes. The focus has been on capturing the meaning attached to education. The findings indicate high expectations on education as a vehicle to peace, enhanced morals and living standards. The Mosque schools are neglected by education authorities but highly esteemed by villagers. The Islamic concept of farz (obligation, responsibility) puts both types of education in high demand. Dilemmas are associated with choosing between Islamic and Western type of education, aplying farz to girls’ education and the encounter between Islam and globalisation. Two folk theories, one on globalisation and another on farz in education, were formulated as a basis for the further analysis. Worries are articulated about preserving Islamic values and ethics. Although ‘globalisation’ is a never heard of concept, villagers know some of its features, e.g. secularisation, individualism and consumerism, and fear these may lead to a weakened Islamic identity. Girls’ education is generally accepted. Besides security, a female teacher is the most important. However, findings from the village with a long established girl school with female teachers indicate that this is not the crucial factor. In Islamic education, girls will continuously be excluded from advanced Islamic studies since female mullahs do not exist. Apparently, the real obstacles for girls’ education are the strictly segregated gender roles in Afghan society. Therefore, a new interpretation of farz is emerging, a ‘glocalised’ version. This is likely to be a decisive factor for giving girls equal access to education in both educational systems. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication15.07.2021
CitationKarlsson, Pia; Mansory, Amir: An Afghan dilemma. Education, gender and globalisation in an islamic context. Stockholm : Institute of International Education, Department of Education, University 2007, xx, 381 S. - (Studies in international and comparative education; 72) - (Dissertation, Universität Stockholm, 2007) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-226485 - DOI: 10.25656/01:22648
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