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Ariadne Pfad:



'Intercultural education should move from discourse to practice'. New perspectives and old claims in the Bolivian process of educational change
SourceTertium comparationis 19 (2013) 2, S. 222-239 ZDB
Document  (336 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN0947-9732; 09479732
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):This article aims to analyze the current process of educational change in Bolivia, dealing with discourses of stakeholders in the Education Revolution in process in the country since 2006, after Evo Morales became President. These discourses point out previous experiences, some of which are considered failures since they were not able to incorporate the indigenous peoples' demands for intercultural education. The intention is to carry out an analysis with a twofold perspective: on one hand, a historical perspective will be used to analyze past projects and laws, which are significant in defining the current process of the Education Revolution; on the other hand, an ethnographic perspective will be used, focusing on the discourses of key persons, people who are responsible for designing and implementing education policy at the Ministry of Education and the leaders of the Original Peoples Education Councils (Consejos Educativos de los Pueblos Originarios), whose role is to manage, negotiate, coordinate, and keep watch over the reflection of indigenous demands in the definition of new education policies. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (German):Im Länderkontext Boliviens analysiert die Autorin in ihrem Beitrag den Bildungsreformprozess, der seit 2006 in der Präsidentschaft von Evo Morales angestoßen worden ist und der anhand eines ethnographischen Fallbeispiels zu der neuartigen indigenen Mitbestimmungsinstanz, den sogenannten 'Bildungsräten der indigenen Völker', dargestellt wird. Gezeigt wird, inwieweit indigene Forderungen an die staatliche Bildungspolitik und -programmatik Eingang in den Reformprozess finden. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication16.05.2022
CitationOsuna, Carmen: 'Intercultural education should move from discourse to practice'. New perspectives and old claims in the Bolivian process of educational change - In: Tertium comparationis 19 (2013) 2, S. 222-239 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-245110 - DOI: 10.25656/01:24511
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