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Populäre Musik als Problem des Musikunterrichts
SourceBehne, Klaus-E. [Hrsg.]: Einzeluntersuchungen. Laaber : Laaber-Verlag 1980, S. 257-283. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 1)
Document  (2.184 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Contributors (corporate)Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische Forschung
Document typeArticle (from a serial)
ISBN3-9215-1855-5; 3921518555
Year of creation
review statusPublishing House Lectorship
Abstract (English):Starting point of this study is the contradiction between the eminent importance of popular music for the spare-time activities of teenagers and the inability of music education to take up the difficult matter of popular music and make use of it for its didactic purposes. Hermeneutic analysis of texts from the theoretical discussion in music education from the years of 1945-74 is aimed at explaining this contradictory situation with regard to the sociological aspects of spare-time activities as well as to the aspects concerning music education. The study proceeds from the hypothesis of Habermas, that "labour" and "leisure" must be seen in a complementary relation, and that the subjective role of leisure-time can be contrary to its objective consequences. The study shows, that by the respective theoretical positions in music-teaching the functional connection of popular music with the existential situation of teenagers is either misunderstood or cut down to the discussion of matters strictly musical. (DIPF/Orig.)
is part of:Einzeluntersuchungen
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Date of publication11.07.2022
CitationKnolle, Niels: Populäre Musik als Problem des Musikunterrichts - In: Behne, Klaus-E. [Hrsg.]: Einzeluntersuchungen. Laaber : Laaber-Verlag 1980, S. 257-283. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 1) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-247435 - DOI: 10.25656/01:24743
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