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A (too) brief explanation of the terms "Bildung" and "Erziehung" for the hurried English-speaking reader
Source2022, 9 S.
Document  (293 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeMonograph, Collected Work or primary publication
Year of creation
review statusReview Status Unknown
Abstract (English):The German terms “Bildung” and “Erziehung” are hardly translatable and are therefore occasionally used internationally as loanwords. This text attempts to explain their meanings in a brief manner to an international readership. In doing so, a distinction is made between formal definitions and supplementary connotative meanings. Furthermore, broad and narrow sense definitions are being compared. (DIPF/Orig.)
Abstract (German):Die schwer übersetzbaren deutschen Ausdrücke “Bildung” und “Erziehung” finden bisweilen auch international Verwendung. Es wird der Versuch unternommen, die Bedeutungen dieser Termini in knapper Form einer internationalen Leserschaft nahezubringen. Dabei werden sowohl formale Definitionen von konnotativen Bedeutungszusätzen unterschieden als auch Begriffsbestimmungen im weiten und im engen Sinn. (DIPF/Orig.)
Date of publication17.08.2022
CitationLudwig, Peter H.; Kohl-Dietrich, Dorothee: A (too) brief explanation of the terms "Bildung" and "Erziehung" for the hurried English-speaking reader. 2022, 9 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-252237 - DOI: 10.25656/01:25223
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