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Vignette 6. Singing in Scots and Swahili. Faith-based education for global citizenship at the Scottish school in Jaffa, Israel
OriginalveröffentlichungTertium comparationis 26 (2020) 2, S. 152-157 ZDB
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartAufsatz (Zeitschrift)
ISSN0947-9732; 1434-1697; 09479732; 14341697
Abstract (Englisch):This vignette describes observations made by the author at the Church of Scotland's Tabeetha School in Jaffa, Israel, a Christian school with a majority Arab-Palestinian student base. The firm pursuit of global citizenship education undertaken by the school, demonstrated here in the singing of songs in Scots and Swahili, is located within its complex geopolitical context in the divided society of Israel. The contribution also engages with practices of a faith-based global citizenship against the backdrop of a colonial legacy embedded within a conflict-ridden landscape. In a school where politics is claimed to be left at the door, global citizenship rooted in Christian values is developed as the most efficient means to serve the agenda of the religious minority. Given Palestinian social and political marginalization in the contested city of Jaffa, the Scottish School provides a safe space for students to experiment with global identies. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Eintrag erfolgte am07.09.2022
QuellenangabeLevenson, Lance: Vignette 6. Singing in Scots and Swahili. Faith-based education for global citizenship at the Scottish school in Jaffa, Israel - In: Tertium comparationis 26 (2020) 2, S. 152-157 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-253378 - DOI: 10.25656/01:25337
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