
Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:



"Recommended for ungraded class". The construction of normalcy in expert reports in 1920s New York City
OriginalveröffentlichungMoser, Vera [Hrsg.]; Garz, Jona Tomke [Hrsg.]: Das (A)normale in der Pädagogik. Wissenspraktiken – Wissensordnungen – Wissensregime. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2022, S. 171-182
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartAufsatz (Sammelwerk)
ISBN978-3-7815-5971-4; 978-3-7815-2531-3; 9783781559714; 9783781525313
Abstract (Englisch):Informed by a material approach, this paper asks how and on which basis expert reports created by testing agencies define what is considered ‘normalcy’ and ‘retardation’. Since these reports were constructed and employed by actors involved in psychological research and educational administrations, their material aspects should also be taken into account, because understood as material actants they record and significantly shape the image of a ‘normal’ vs. a ‘retarded’ student by ascribing specific diagnoses and mental states, which found expression in the form of an assigned status. In a first step, the contribution situates the psychological knowledge in the framework of a rising tide of intelligence testing and psychometric studies, before discussing the materiality of psychological reports and framing them as small forms. As such, they encase and produce knowledge about the individuals they describe and record. The reports in question stem from an examination of pupils who stood out regarding the disparity between their achievement levels and grade levels. Secondly, the underlying conceptions about and connections between age, attainment level, and mental status are analyzed as they informed the construction of the psychological reports and the resulting interpretations. In the third part, these reports are utilized to investigate their role in creating and constructing (ab)normality pertaining to schoolchildren, which in this case study is framed in terms of ‘retardation’. The paper argues that the conceptualization of mental status, which relied on the calculation and evaluation of different ages and quotients, played a significant role in defining (ab)normality as a result of entangled age categories. (DIPF/Orig.)
Beitrag in:Das (A)normale in der Pädagogik. Wissenspraktiken – Wissensordnungen – Wissensregime
Eintrag erfolgte am06.12.2022
QuellenangabeIsensee, Fanny: "Recommended for ungraded class". The construction of normalcy in expert reports in 1920s New York City - In: Moser, Vera [Hrsg.]; Garz, Jona Tomke [Hrsg.]: Das (A)normale in der Pädagogik. Wissenspraktiken – Wissensordnungen – Wissensregime. Bad Heilbrunn : Verlag Julius Klinkhardt 2022, S. 171-182 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-256741 - DOI: 10.25656/01:25674; 10.35468/5971-10
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