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UNIC handbook on physical and virtual mobility. Teaching and learning in intercultural settings
Weitere BeteiligteAral, Işıl [Mitarb.]; Arruti, Arantza [Mitarb.] ORCID; Aßmann, Sandra [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Babić, Dario [Mitarb.]; Bauer, Katharina [Mitarb.]; Biessey, Philip [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Byl, Marius de [Mitarb.] ORCID; Carita, Andria [Mitarb.]; Chemli, Samiha [Mitarb.] ORCID; Čižmešija, Antonela [Mitarb.] ORCID; Dumančić, Kosjenka [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Essen, Bram van [Mitarb.]; Falke, Matthias [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Feldmann, Henning [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Ferreira Lopes Silva, Luana [Mitarb.] ORCID; Filipović, Ana Thea [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Garza, Armida de la [Mitarb.]; Grümme, Bernhard [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Gutiérrez Fernandez, Nerea [Mitarb.] ORCID; Heimgartner, Stephanie [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Jahnel, Claudia [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Jara, Daniel [Mitarb.] ORCID; Kapaló, James [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Kemper, Lucien [Mitarb.]; Krüger, Maya [Mitarb.]; Kućar, Maja [Mitarb.]; Lambert, Marie [Mitarb.]; Miksch, Jan [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Murić, Branko [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; O’Dowd, Robert [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; O’Reilly, Claire [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Ozkan, Nazli [Mitarb.] ORCID; Pitkäaho, Satu [Mitarb.] ORCID; Płuciennik, Jarosław [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Radermacher, Martin [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Rappas, İpek [Mitarb.]; Rienow, Andreas [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Rodríguez Fernández, Lidia [Mitarb.] ORCID; Schumann, Daniel [Mitarb.]; Solabarrieta, Josu [Mitarb.]; Teller, Jacques [Mitarb.] ORCID; Thimm, Ann-Kathrin [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Valožić, Luka [Mitarb.] ORCID; Vanderbeke, Marie [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Verpoorten, Dominique [Mitarb.] ORCID; Vidaček Haiš, Violeta [Mitarb.]; Vuopala, Essi [Mitarb.]; Weckop, Michael [Mitarb.] GND-ID; Werner, Sina [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Wichmann, Astrid [Mitarb.] GND-ID ORCID; Baničević, Petra [Mitarb.]; Brown, Christopher [Mitarb.]; Lalić Novak, Goranka [Mitarb.] ORCID; de Groot, Mirjam [Mitarb.]; Güven, Tuğba [Mitarb.]; Peña, Eneko [Mitarb.]; Linares Bandres, Elena [Mitarb.]; Pennanen, Eeva [Mitarb.]; Villeminot, Anne-Laure [Mitarb.]
OriginalveröffentlichungBochum : Ruhr-Universität 2023, 98 S.
Auflage2nd revised and supplemented edition
aktualisierte Version von:UNIC handbook on physical and virtual mobility. Teaching and learning in intercultural settings
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
Sonstige beteiligte InstitutionenUNIC: The European University of Post-Industrial Cities
DokumentartMonographie, Sammelwerk oder Erstveröffentlichung
BegutachtungsstatusReview-Status unbekannt
Abstract (Englisch):This handbook reaches out to university teachers irrespective of their discipline and research fields. It shows the diversity of practice of intercultural teaching which is currently applied in different universities. International Mobility is supposed to increase the quality of teaching and research through the exchange of knowledge, international networking and common research projects. Regarding the involved individuals and organisations, mobility is expected to contribute to an attitude of respect towards the respective cultural values and to develop academic solidarity. Not at least the intercultural learning of mobile and home students and teachers shall be activated. The authors of this Handbook hope to give a taste of international exchange and collaboration in university teaching. The handbook consists of two parts. The first part deals with the shaping of teaching and learning situations in an international and diverse environment, and focuses on didactical reflections. It shall be used to enable teachers in their respective fields to design intercultural learning processes, which contribute to the learning of all – home as well as international exchange students. The first part also gives an impression of different options how universities can advance the internationalisation of higher education. Readers will find basic information, practical hints and examples from the partner universities. Reflective questions and practical hints take the form of bullet points from chapter 2 onwards. The sub-chapters on “Stories from the field” offer concise practical advice on designing internationally oriented teaching to support any such setting. Readers can rummage through stories from the different universities, where practical examples are elaborated. The second part lists information about funding and support programmes by the UNIC partner universities with a focus on teaching staff, with concrete links and contacts at the respective institution. (DIPF/Orig.)
Eintrag erfolgte am24.08.2023
QuellenangabeTan, Astrid Edith; Schiffmann, Laura; Salden, Peter: UNIC handbook on physical and virtual mobility. Teaching and learning in intercultural settings. Bochum : Ruhr-Universität 2023, 98 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-269180 - DOI: 10.25656/01:26918
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