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Entrepreneurship education challenges for school gardens, school farms and agricultural education. Lessons from South Africa and Uganda. A sprouting entrepreneurs manual
OriginalveröffentlichungJohannesburg / South Africa : Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) 2023, 126 S.
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartMonographie, Sammelwerk oder Erstveröffentlichung
ISBN978-0-6397-8654-4; 9780639786544
Abstract (Englisch):The United Nations highlights the significance of entrepreneurship education for societal development in its Agenda 2030. Entrepreneurship education is highly sought-after in public education systems worldwide, from general and vocational education in primary and secondary schools to institutions of teacher education. However, despite this demand, there is a shortage of teaching materials and concepts to support the learning of entrepreneurial competences. This Sprouting Entrepreneurs manual therefore aims to contribute a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship education. It draws on project work conducted with rural and urban schools in the Global South between 2015 and 2023. Sprouting Entrepreneurs’ methodology uses school gardens and school farms as a medium of entrepreneurial learning. Its real-life, action-oriented and project-based approach to learning also lends itself to vocational education in agriculture and beyond. Sprouting Entrepreneurs defines entrepreneurial competence as the ability to develop and implement creative ideas in response to societal problems or opportunities through which value for others is created. This value may be financial, social, cultural, ecological, civic, educational, or aesthetic: in short, any form of value that enhances people's freedoms, in accordance with the definition of human development by economist and Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen. Sprouting Entrepreneurs frames critical thinking as an inquiry into the social, political and economic structures of young people's life-worlds within their communities in the Global South. Developing critical consciousness of how these structures shape their lives is not only a learning outcome in itself, but also the starting point for entrepreneurial ideas that aim to create sustainable and transformative value for others. (DIPF/Orig.)
Eintrag erfolgte am09.11.2023
QuellenangabeForcher-Mayr, Matthias; Mahlknecht, Sabine: Entrepreneurship education challenges for school gardens, school farms and agricultural education. Lessons from South Africa and Uganda. A sprouting entrepreneurs manual. Johannesburg / South Africa : Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) 2023, 126 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-280035 - DOI: 10.25656/01:28003
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