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European strategies in lifelong learning. A critical introduction
OriginalveröffentlichungOpladen u.a. : Verlag Barbara Budrich 2011, 165 S. - (Study guides in adult education)
Dokument  (23.413 KB)
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartMonographie, Sammelwerk oder Erstveröffentlichung
ISBN978-3-86649-444-2; 3-86649-444-0; 9783866494442; 3866494440
Abstract (Englisch):This book proposes an analytical framework for the discussion of adult learning and education policies. This framework is applied to the EU policies for the adult education and training sector as well as to the proposals presented by UNESCO since the 1970s with respect to lifelong education and lifelong learning. Lifelong learning and education is a key concept for the development of adult education as an area of practice and theoretical consideration. In recent decades, meanwhile, the idea that education and learning last for the length and breadth of life is central to the guidance of various international organisations and to the public policies of many countries. Lifelong learning is currently widely accepted in terms of its benefits and so the meanings it can contain are rarely questioned. This book proposes three models for analysing public adult education policies, the democratic-emancipatory model, the modernisation and state control model, and the human resources management model. The models guide the critical discussion on the EU policies for the adult education and training sector. This analysis also contains references to national adult education policies. The book further describes the proposals presented by UNESCO since the 1970s with respect to lifelong education and lifelong learning. The underlying purpose of this approach is to identify and interpret other meanings which the idea may contain today. This option is intended to help students and other people who may be interested in this topic to question ways of looking at a priority issue in contemporary public policies. From the Contents: Introduction Lifelong Education, Lifelong Learning, and the State The Analysis of Adult Learning and Education Policies The European Union: Strategies for Lifelong Learning UNESCO as a Policy Actor in Education Final Remarks. (Verlag)
Eintrag erfolgte am16.10.2013
QuellenangabeLima, Licinio C.; Guimaraes, Paula: European strategies in lifelong learning. A critical introduction. Opladen u.a. : Verlag Barbara Budrich 2011, 165 S. - (Study guides in adult education) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-82835 - DOI: 10.25656/01:8283; 10.3224/86649444
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