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Ariadne Pfad:



Corporeal experience and equality. A new approach to the educational significance of the body
SourceZeitschrift für Pädagogik 58 (2012) 3, S. 371-388 ZDB
Document  (1.632 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN0044-3247; 00443247
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):In this article the authors overview different positions that have been taken in educational theory in regard with the meaning of corporeality for education. They argue that the body either appears as a factor through which subjectivity gets discursively formed, which makes the body lose its material weight, or as a vehicle by means of which existing educational goals, such as the furthering of a fully developed personality or an accurate view of the world are more authentically and efficiently realized. The authors argue that these approaches imply an instrumentalization of the body which makes it impossible to conceive the body in its full physicality. The experience of coinciding with one's "flesh" might however carry a major educational importance out of itself, because of the radical equalizing and emancipatory qualities it might have. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication01.04.2015
CitationVlieghe, Joris; Masschelein, Jan; Simons, Maarten: Corporeal experience and equality. A new approach to the educational significance of the body - In: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 58 (2012) 3, S. 371-388 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-105111 - DOI: 10.25656/01:10511
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