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Original Title
Geschichten erzählen als Methode im Musikunterricht. Ergebnisse und Forschungsmethoden einer historischen Studie
Parallel titleStorytelling as a teaching method in the music classroom. Results and methods of a historical study
SourceClausen, Bernd [Hrsg.]: Teilhabe und Gerechtigkeit. Münster ; New York : Waxmann 2014, S. 115-129. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 35)
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License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Contributors (corporate)Arbeitskreis Musikpädagogische Forschung
Document typeArticle (from a serial)
ISBN978-3-8309-3144-7; 9783830931447
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):Storytelling as a teaching method in the music classroom can no longer be found in repertoires of music teaching methods, even though stories are still being told in music lessons nowadays and storytelling has a long teaching tradition. Numerous sources of the late 18th century and beyond account for different kinds of storytelling in the German music classroom. They have systematically been analysed with regard to certain aspects and teaching patterns. In this way the present study takes account of a decades- old demand within the discipline of historical music pedagogical research, which has postulated a structural historiography. Starting with a reflection of the historiographical research method the author finally illustrates the benefits of combining historical classroom research and the research of current teaching practices. (DIPF/Orig.)
is part of:Teilhabe und Gerechtigkeit
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Date of publication25.08.2016
CitationCvetko, Alexander J.: Geschichten erzählen als Methode im Musikunterricht. Ergebnisse und Forschungsmethoden einer historischen Studie - In: Clausen, Bernd [Hrsg.]: Teilhabe und Gerechtigkeit. Münster ; New York : Waxmann 2014, S. 115-129. - (Musikpädagogische Forschung; 35) - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-123578 - DOI: 10.25656/01:12357
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