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Ariadne Pfad:



Towards a hypothetical learning progression of scientific explanation
OriginalveröffentlichungAsia-Pacific science education 2 (2016) 4, S. 1-17 ZDB
Dokument  (670 KB)
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Schlagwörter (Deutsch)
DokumentartAufsatz (Zeitschrift)
ISSN2364-1177; 23641177
Abstract (Englisch):The construction of scientific explanations, as a key scientific practice, has been highlighted in policy documents. However, research suggests that students lack competence in constructing scientific explanations and this is due to a lack of appropriate scaffolding in science instruction. To address this problem, researchers have developed the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework, as scaffolding for constructing scientific explanations. Derived from that framework, a learning progression of scientific explanations has been proposed for the entry point of K-12 science education. However, a clarification on the theoretical foundation of the Claim-Evidence-Reasoning framework and a further extending of the learning progression of scientific explanation has been called for. Therefore, in this paper we aim to add to this research area by first refining its theoretical foundations. More specifically, through linking perspectives on scientific explanations in philosophy of science and in science education, we develop the Phenomena-Theory-Data-Reasoning framework. Then we design a hypothetical learning progression of scientific explanation, based on the Phenomena-Theory-Data-Reasoning framework. The paper ends with a discussion of implications for future research and instruction on scientific explanation in science education.
Eintrag erfolgte am01.02.2017
QuellenangabeYao, Jian-Xin; Guo, Yu-Ying; Neumann, Knut: Towards a hypothetical learning progression of scientific explanation - In: Asia-Pacific science education 2 (2016) 4, S. 1-17 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-127053 - DOI: 10.25656/01:12705; 10.1186/s41029-016-0011-7
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