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Original Title
Teaching and learning vocabulary: what English language learners perceive to be effective and ineffective strategies
Parallel titlePoucevanje in ucenje besedisca: Katere so uspesne in neuspesne strategije po mnenju ucencev angleskega jezika
SourceCEPS Journal 8 (2018) 1, S. 139-163
Document  (4.932 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN2232-2647; 22322647
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):Vocabulary constitutes an essential part of every language-learning endeavour and deserves scholarly attention. The objective of the present study was three-fold: 1) exploring Iranian English language learners’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLSs), 2) examining language learners’ perceptions of vocabulary learning, and 3) exploring Iranian English language teachers’ Vocabulary Teaching Strategies (VTSs). In total, 145 intermediate learners of English as a foreign language, consisting of 114 males and 31 females aged 15 to 27, participated in the study. The triangulated data were collected using three tools: questionnaires, interviews, and class observations. Sixty-seven learners (31 females and 36 males) filled out a 56-statement questionnaire, adopted and adapted from Takac (2008) and translated into Persian. The questionnaire comprised two parts, enquiring as to the learners’ VLSs and the teachers’ VTSs. The findings indicated that females and males differed significantly in their reported VLSs and their teachers’ use of various VTSs. Additionally, 78 learners were interviewed as to their perceptions of effective and ineffective VLSs as well as VTSs. The findings revealed that the most effective VLSs were reported to be: a) reciting, repeating and listening to words, b) using words, and c) memorising words while the most effective VTSs revolved around: a) explanation, b) repetition, and c) dictation. The observations also confirmed the findings obtained via the questionnaire and interviews. In general, the findings are indicative of the limited repertoire of vocabulary acquisition techniques employed by Iranian EFL learners, hence the need for strategy training in how to acquire vocabulary. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication11.04.2018
CitationTamimi Sa’d, Seyyed Hatam; Rajabi, Fereshte: Teaching and learning vocabulary: what English language learners perceive to be effective and ineffective strategies - In: CEPS Journal 8 (2018) 1, S. 139-163 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-155148 - DOI: 10.25656/01:15514
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