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Indicators on Active Citizenship for Democracy - the social, cultural and economic domain. Paper by order of the Council of Europe for the CRELL-Network on Active Citizenship for Democracy at the European Commission's Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy
SourceIspra : CRELL-Network on Active Citizenship for Democracy 2006, 86 S.
Document  (1.239 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeMonograph, Collected Work or primary publication
Year of creation
review statusReview Status Unknown
Abstract (English):This paper starts with a conceptual analysis of active citizenship, based on a functional approach distinguishing four dimensions of citizenship. Active Citizenship for Democracy is described as a set of competencies and behaviours which are apt to fulfil these functions. A comprehensive framework on possible indicators both for competencies and for behaviour is laid down. The paper concentrates on the presentation of data and statistical methods in the course of constructing a composite indicator on active citizenship behaviour. Public data available from the following surveys is taken into account: Civic Education Study (IEA-CIVED); European Social Survey (ESS) Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) and Word Value Survey (WVS). As the authors don't see sufficient theoretical and empirical basis for developing a composite indicator on European active and democratic citizenship competencies, the paper presents two preliminary achievements. The paper finishes with a documentation on further research needs related to conceptual and statistical analysis as well as to the usage of indicators. (DIPF/DBS)
Date of publication04.11.2009
CitationAbs, Hermann Josef; Veldhuis, Ruud: Indicators on Active Citizenship for Democracy - the social, cultural and economic domain. Paper by order of the Council of Europe for the CRELL-Network on Active Citizenship for Democracy at the European Commission's Joint Research Center in Ispra, Italy. Ispra : CRELL-Network on Active Citizenship for Democracy 2006, 86 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-opus-18799 - DOI: 10.25656/01:1879
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