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Original Title
Rethinking the role of pedagogical assistants: establishing cooperation between Roma families and schools in Serbia
Parallel titlePremisljevanje vloge pedagoskega asistenta – vzpostavljanje sodelovanja med romskimi druzinami in solami v Srbiji
SourceCEPS Journal 6 (2016) 4, S. 73-91
Document  (261 KB)
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Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN2232-2647; 22322647
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):The aim of the present paper is to examine the risks and challenges related to the cooperation of pedagogical assistants (PAs) with Roma parents/ families and their work with Roma pupils, as well as to offer further insight into ways to overcome these risks and challenges. Roma pupils and parents/families face numerous difficulties in education, which are reflected in prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination. The education policy measure of introducing PAs, formerly known as Roma teaching assistants, to the Serbian education system aimed to contribute to the learning and social participation of Roma pupils and to establish cooperation between school staff and Roma parents. The further segregation of Roma pupils and the reduced engagement of teachers in supporting Roma pupils and fostering communication with Roma parents are seen as possible risks related to the engagement of PAs. In order to minimise the risks, we propose a framework for defining and understanding the roles of teachers and Pas from an intercultural perspective. Relying on two concepts - intercultural sensitivity (IS) and intercultural competence (IC) - we elaborate the necessity of perceiving cultural differences in accordance with an ethnorelative worldview, on the part of both teachers and PAs. In addition, we outline the cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects of IC that we believe teachers and PAs should possess. Further recommendations regarding the engagement of PAs and the minimisation of risks and challenges are proposed. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication17.01.2017
CitationStarcevic, Jelena; Dimitrijevic, Bojana; Macura Milovanovic, Suncica: Rethinking the role of pedagogical assistants: establishing cooperation between Roma families and schools in Serbia - In: CEPS Journal 6 (2016) 4, S. 73-91 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-127454 - DOI: 10.25656/01:12745
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