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Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs regarding assessment and promotion of school-relevant skills of preschool children
SourceEarly child development and care 189 (2019) 2, S. 339-351 ZDB
Document  (523 KB) (formally and content revised edition)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeArticle (journal)
ISSN0300-4430; 03004430
Year of creation
review statusPeer-Reviewed
Abstract (English):This study addresses preschool teachers' self-efficacy beliefs in assessment and promotion of children's early language, social-emotional, and mathematical skills. The aim of the study was to find out to what extent preschool teachers believe to be able to assess and promote those skills, respectively. In a sample of 368 German preschool teachers, average scores in all scales were quite homogenously high. However, average scores of self-efficacy beliefs between the domains differed, with self-efficacy beliefs regarding language skills being the strongest. Self-efficacy beliefs regarding assessment were stronger than in promotion in the social-emotional and the mathematical domain, but not in language. Yet, confirmatory factor analyses indicate that self-efficacy beliefs regarding assessment were highly correlated with self-efficacy beliefs regarding promotion of skills in all three domains. Possible explanations for these results and ideas for further research are discussed.
Date of publication01.07.2020
CitationHöltge, Lea; Ehm, Jan-Henning; Hartmann, Ulrike; Hasselhorn, Marcus: Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs regarding assessment and promotion of school-relevant skills of preschool children - In: Early child development and care 189 (2019) 2, S. 339-351 - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-176073 - DOI: 10.25656/01:17607; 10.1080/03004430.2017.1323888
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