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Knowledge communities in online education and (visual) knowledge management. 19. Workshop GeNeMe '16 as part of IFKAD 2016. Proceedings of 19th conference GeNeMe. Dresden, 15.-17.06.2016
Creators (corporate)Workshop GeNeMe (2016 : Dresden); IFKAD (2016 : Dresden)
Other contributors (e.g. editor)Köhler, Thomas [Hrsg.]; Schoop, Eric [Hrsg.]; Kahnwald, Nina [Hrsg.]
SourceDresden : TUDpress 2016, XVI, 260 S.
Document (10.342 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Contributors (corporate)Technische Universität Dresden, Medienzentrum; Hochschule der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (HGU)
Document typeMonograph, Collected Work or primary publication
ISBN978-3-95908-144-3; 9783959081443
Year of creation
review statusReview Status Unknown
Abstract (English):In addition to the core themes of knowledge management and communities (in the chapters of the same name), the main focus of the conference is also on the support of knowledge and learning processes in the field of (media-assisted) higher education. This is complemented by an informational perspective when it comes to more functional and methodological approaches - use cases, workflows, and automation in knowledge management. In addition, systems and approaches for feedback, exchange, and ideas are presented. With the focus of knowledge media design and visual research as well as creative processes, this time there is also a highlight on visual aspects of knowledge management and mediation. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication01.07.2021
CitationKöhler, Thomas [Hrsg.]; Schoop, Eric [Hrsg.]; Kahnwald, Nina [Hrsg.]: Knowledge communities in online education and (visual) knowledge management. 19. Workshop GeNeMe '16 as part of IFKAD 2016. Proceedings of 19th conference GeNeMe. Dresden, 15.-17.06.2016. Dresden : TUDpress 2016, XVI, 260 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-224042 - DOI: 10.25656/01:22404
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