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Here your can re-activate the original default settings of the search mask.. count of hits show 10 hitsshow 25 hitsshow 50 hitsshow 100 hitsshow 200 hits Sorting Sort byfrequenzy of search termTitle A-Zpublishing year (from)publication date in pedocs list of hits 1 Educational Issues in the Multicultural Society of GermanyMitter, Wolfgang PDF als Volltext Article (from a serial), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 1992 2 Europa und SchüleraustauschKodron, Christoph PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 1991 3 Universalistische Ethik in einer pluralistischen WeltNipkow, Karl Ernst PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Other Thematic Areas 2003 4 Riten und Rituale - cui bono?Bühler, Hans PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Educational Sociology 1996 5 Die Bedeutung von Ritualen im multikulturellen LernprozessKampmann, BärbelGerunde, Harald PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Curriculum and Teaching / School Pedagogy 1996 6 The management of parental involvement in multicultural schools in South Africa: A case studyMichael, SathiapamaWolhuter, Charl C.Wyk, Noleen van PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Curriculum and Teaching / School Pedagogy 2012 7 Cooperation between migrant parents and teachers in school: A resource?Lea, Martha PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Organisation of Education, Educational Planning, Educational Legislation, Curriculum and Teaching / School Pedagogy 2012 8 Interkulturelles Lernen in Theorie und Praxis. Eine Analyse der aktuellen G8-Englischlehrwerke für die gymnasiale OberstufeBecker, Benjamin PDF als Volltext Monograph, Collected Work or primary publication, Qualifikationsarbeit (Dissertation, Habilitationsschrift), Teaching Didactics/Teaching Languages and Literature 2012 9 Nicolson, Margaret & MacIver, Matthew (Eds.). (2003). Gaelic Medium Education (Policy and Practice in Education, vol. 10), Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 79 pp., £ 11,95 ; Grant, Nigel (2000). Multicultural Education in Scotland (Policy and Practice in Education, vol. 3), Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 72 pp., £ 9,95 [Rezension]Marten, Heiko F. PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Teaching Didactics/Teaching Languages and Literature 2004 10 Difference, Multicultural Education, Affirmative Action: The Case of CaliforniaHolub, Renate PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, History of Education, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 1996 11 Winther-Jensen, T. (Ed.). (1996). Challenges to European Education: Cultural Values, National Identities, and Global Responsibilities. Frankfurt a.M.: Lang. [Rezension]Allemann-Ghionda, Cristina PDF als Volltext Article (journal), (Verlags-)Lektorat, General Educational Science, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 1998 12 Eucation à la citoyenneté et éducation multiculturelle: Principales tendances et débats anglophonesAkkari, Abdel-Jalil PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Higher Education 2002 13 Sabine Hornberg / Inci Dirim / Gregor Lang-Wojtasik / Paul Mecheril (Hrsg.): Beschreiben - Verstehen - Interpretieren. Stand und Perspektiven International und Interkulturell Vergleichender Erziehungswissenschaft in Deutschland. Münster: Waxmann 2009 (202 S.) [Rezension]Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 2009 14 S. Maxwell Hines (Hrsg.): Multicultural Science Education. Theory, Practice, and Promise (Second Printing) (Counterpoits, Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Bd. 120). New York u.a.: Lang 2007 (217 S.) [Rezension]Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Educational Sociology 2007 15 Comparative approach of educational policy of Greece to intercultural education with other European countriesMokias, Alexandros J. PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Organisation of Education, Educational Planning, Educational Legislation 2019 16 Cristina Allemann-Ghionda: Schule, Bildung und Pluralität. Sechs Fallstudien im europäischen Vergleich. (Explorationen: Studien zur Erziehungswissenschaft. Bd. 24.) Bern/Frankfurt a.M.: Lang 1999. [Rezension]Hopf, Diether PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research 2000 17 Multikulturalität als Grundlage von Bildung und Erziehung: der australische AnsatzLuchtenberg, Sigrid PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research, Organisation of Education, Educational Planning, Educational Legislation 1995 18 Multicultural education vs. implicit and explicit ethnocentric education: text analysis of a contemporary Israeli value education programReingold, RoniZamir, Sara PDF als Volltext Article (journal), Peer-Review, Organisation of Education, Educational Planning, Educational Legislation, Curriculum and Teaching / School Pedagogy 2017 19 European primary pupils show their life to African peersKodron, Christoph PDF als Volltext Article (from a serial), (Verlags-)Lektorat, Curriculum and Teaching / School Pedagogy, Teaching Didactics/General Educational Topics 1995 20 Zehn Thesen über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen interkultureller ErziehungRadtke, Frank-Olaf PDF als Volltext Article (from a serial), Peer-Review, General Educational Science 1988 result list settings fullfill mark all 12 next next PrintSaveexport files With following Select-Box you can the marked records into different formats.system/formatchoose system/formatPrintable formatMARC-XMLBibliographic formatEndNote formatBibTeX formatDirect import: Citavi, Endnote, ZoteroAnalytical format: CSV/Excel share content at social platforms Teile diese Seite: