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Teachers' pedagogical beliefs. Definition and operationalisation, connections to knowledge and performance, development and change
Other contributors (e.g. editor)König, Johannes [Hrsg.]
SourceMünster ; New York ; München ; Berlin : Waxmann 2012, 207 S.
Document (1.027 KB)
License of the document In copyright
Keywords (German)
Document typeMonograph, Collected Work or primary publication
ISBN978-3-8309-2696-2; 978-3-8309-7696-7; 9783830926962; 9783830976967
Year of creation
review statusPublishing House Lectorship
Abstract (English):How are teachers' pedagogical beliefs and their professional knowledge related? How do teachers' pedagogical beliefs affect their work in the classroom? Do future teachers' pedagogical beliefs evolve during training? How are these beliefs defined and operationalized in current empirical research? This work provides an in-depth empirical examination of different aspects of teachers' pedagogical beliefs. [...] The contributions cover a broad range of issues, distinguishing between in-service and pre-service teachers, examining the results of national surveys and international comparisons of teachers' pedagogical beliefs, and making use of different methodologies regarding operationalization and measurement. (DIPF/Orig.)
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Date of publication11.11.2020
CitationKönig, Johannes [Hrsg.]: Teachers' pedagogical beliefs. Definition and operationalisation, connections to knowledge and performance, development and change. Münster ; New York ; München ; Berlin : Waxmann 2012, 207 S. - URN: urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-210309 - DOI: 10.25656/01:21030
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